Regardless of what it's called,
relationship abuse affects one in three people.

Relationship abuse goes by many names including: dating violence; domestic violence; intimate partner violence (IPV); relationship violence; dating abuse; domestic abuse; teen dating violence (TDV).

In the United States the term domestic violence is most commonly known but is gradually being replaced by the term intimate partner violence (or just IPV). The term "domestic violence" implies that this type of abuse only occurs between people living in the same household which is not the case.

Because the abuse occurs between people who are currently intimately involved, or were previously intimately involved, the term intimate partner violence is the preferred label of this problem for many people. The Bureau of Justice (U.S.) reports crime statistics using the term intimate partner violence. The CDC and most other governmental agencies also use the phrase intimate partner violence.

Teen dating violence is another term which has grown in usage. The U.S. first recognized the National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Week in February 2006. Since 2010 the entire month of February has been recognized as the National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Despite the name, teen dating violence generally includes tweens (11-12) and young adults (early 20s).

Note: Although this site is about the issue of IPV we instead use the term relationship abuse. Many people use the phrase "relationship abuse" and the purpose for the site is to provide helpful information to those people searching online for that phrase.

Warning Signs

Relationship abuse is often difficult to identify because in addition to physical abuse and sexual abuse, it also includes psychological / emotional abuse. It can be much more difficult to identify a psychologically or emotionally abusive relationship compared to physical or sexual abuse - especially for those who are in the abusive relationship.

Ten Warning Signs of Relationship Abuse


The latest news, images, and videos about teen dating violence and relationship abuse from the United States and around the world. Curated by Jennifer Ann's Group.

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